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November 30, 2002 - 3:40 pm

yay! i got a bike! yay!

bike came from murrumbeena (don't ask, total burbs. Even though I've just been there and I was driving, I still don't know where it is!). It's a lady's bike - of course. white and with high handles so I can ride sitting up and not leaning over, just the way I like it.

I also got from there 4 cute camping cups, the sort that have a white plastic inner shell and a clear plastic outer shell with pictures underneath. One is a hunting picture with jumping horses and fox and hounds, and the others are flowers. They also threw in a stubby cooler. the bike didn't fit in the back of the car and the only thing they could give me to tie the boot down was a couple of plastic bags!!

It was just N and I today and the weather was far from perfect. We first tried the "monster jumble sale" at the church on the corner of orrong and toorak, the best thing about it was the sausage sizzle! but the fete at the caulfield montessori school was excellent. I got a hydrangea for $3, a moomintroll book (can't wait to give it to B), a "bride's guide" (can't wait to give that to L, she's got quite a collection going now), some cool plates and an iron.

I got some other good books from various stops around elsternwick, "golden hands - the complete knitting, dressmaking and needlecraft guide" - what a find! a 1946 book about the great barrier reef, Iris Murdoch's "a severed head" and a couple of kid's books for J and T.

N got a great 70's book on landscape gardening.

I'm quite saddened by the fact that the prices of items at some garage sales are now generally rounded to the dollar. So instead of 50c or 80c or 20c, they ask a dollar or two dollars. Also price tags are so NOT the way forward. The beauty of the bargain is eyeing off the vendors and working out whether you'll get a better verbal price from the granddad or the mum or the brother-in-law!

Happy sailing, A

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